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List of Core Partners to whom the Single Management Center provides its facilities: 

(WIOA Regulations Section 680.650, offers priority to eligible Veterans and their  spouses, including their widows)


The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a work-based and community service job training program for seniors.  The program provides training for low-income, unemployed seniors.  Participants also have access to employment assistance through the Single Management Center - American Job Centers.

Participants work an average of 20 hours per week and are paid the highest federal, state, or local minimum wage.  This training serves as a bridge to unsubsidized employment opportunities for participants.  Participants must be at least 55 years old, unemployed, and have a household income of no more than 125% of the federal poverty level.  Enrollment priority is given to veterans and qualifying spouses, then to individuals who are age 65 or older, have a disability, those with limited literacy skills or limited English proficiency, reside in a rural area, are homeless, or are at risk of homelessness, low job prospects, or have been unable to find employment after utilizing services through the One Stop Shop - American Job Center.

Department of labor and human resources

Employment and Reemployment

The Puerto Rico Employment Service is affiliated with the national system of public employment offices established in the United States, created under the Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933. The provisions of this Act were accepted in Puerto Rico through Act No. 12, known as as the Puerto Rico Public Service Employment Act, approved by the Legislature on December 20, 1950.


The funds for the operation of the Employment Service come from the Federal Government. The administration of these funds in Puerto Rico is the responsibility of the Employment Security Bureau of the Department of Labor and Human Resources.

The Employment Service complies with all federal requirements for Equal Employment Opportunities and ensures faithful compliance with the preference given to people who belong to the following groups:


  • veterans

  • People with disabilities

  • Older workers

  • Unemployment Insurance Claimants

  • Displaced workers

  • farm workers

  • Services offered by the Employment Service

  • Job Applicant Registration

  • Job market information

  • Taking offer and placements

  • occupational counseling

  • Re-employment services to Unemployment Insurance claimants

  • Selective employment promotion

  • Employer relations

  • Employment services to university students

  • Employment services for workers in the agricultural sector

  • Referral to supportive services

Vocational Rehabilitation Administration

The Vocational Rehabilitation Administration is responsible for the provision of vocational rehabilitation services, aimed at the successful integration of people with disabilities into the country's workforce and the enjoyment of a more independent life.

Vocational rehabilitation services are available throughout Puerto Rico. 

Some of the services or goods they offer include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Rehabilitation Counseling and Career Development Guidance

  2. Appraisal Services

  3. Services to Identify Vocational Rehabilitation Needs

  4. Referrals and Other Services that are Necessary to Assist Applicants/Consumers

  5. Physical and Mental Restoration

  6. Vocational Rehabilitation Services to Family Members of an Applicant/Consumer

  7. Interpreting Services for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deaf-Blind People

  8. Blind Reader Services

  9. Employment Related Services

  10. Supported Employment Services

  11. Personal Assistance Services

  12. Post-Employment Services

  13. Occupational Licenses, Tools, Equipment and Initial Capital

  14. Rehabilitation Technology

  15. Transition Services

  16. Other Goods and Services

Education deparment

Adult Education and Family Literacy Program - The goal of this Program is to promote, facilitate and expand educational and employability opportunities for this population, through the acquisition of the skills and knowledge necessary for self-sufficiency and employment.  Other fundamental goals or reference points are: to make it easier for the adult head of the family to complete high school or its equivalent and to acquire the necessary knowledge to become a full partner in the educational development of their children.  The purpose is to create a partnership between the federal government, states and localities to provide, on a voluntary basis, adult education and literacy activities, in order to:

  1. Help adults become literate and gain the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and economic self-sufficiency;

  2. help adult parents or family members obtain the education and skills that: are necessary to become full partners in their children's educational development; lead to sustainable improvements in economic opportunities for your family;

   3. help adults earn a high school diploma and transition       post-secondary education and training, including through occupational routes;  

   Four.  help immigrants and other people who are learning English             in improving their reading, writing and understanding of English; and gain an understanding of the American system of government, individual liberty, and the responsibilities of citizenship.

Eligible Individuals:

According to WIOA Title II Sec. 203(4), “Adult Education” is defined as services or instruction below the post-secondary level for individuals who:

  • have reached the age of 16 and are not enrolled or required to enroll in high school under state law; and

  • have deficiencies in basic skills; do not have a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent, and have not attained an equivalent level of education; or are English Language Learners (ELLs)

Carl D. Perkins Act - Post-Secondary Career and Technical Education Program - Promotes post-secondary educational vocational activities, so that participants acquire skills to compete in occupations that require specialized skills. They are mainly involved in vocational technical schools and institutes of the Department of Education system.


Strengthens farmworkers and families.  PathStone promotes social justice by advocating for the rights of its participants through the programs offered in Puerto Rico.

This program provides funding to communities, organizations, and public agencies to help migrant farmworkers and their families achieve greater economic stability through employment and training services, housing assistance, youth services, and support services.

To be eligible for services under this program a person must be:

  • Eligible Adult Seasonal Farm Worker;

  • Eligible Adult Migrant Farm Worker;

  • Eligible MSFW Youth; or

  • Dependent of a migrant or farm worker.

and must,

  • be a low-income person facing multiple barriers to economic self-sufficiency.

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